
a dead simple Python configuration file reader.

View the Project on GitHub kisom/pysimpleconfig


I've written this code several times for a couple projects; I got sick of copying the file over to new project directories.

configuration file syntax

key = value

# a comment describing the following section
key = value

There may be as many key = value lines in a given section. Multiline values are not supported. Anything not matching one of these patterns will raise an IOError exception in the module. White space is not significant in section headers (i.e. [ section1 ] is the same as [section1]) or in the key = value pairs (i.e. key=value is the same as key = value). Keys, values, and section names may have whitespace in them. The default section name, if none is provided, is 'default'.

return value and example

parse() returns a dictionary where each section is a key at the top level, and is a dictionary of key=value pairs itself. For example, given the config file:

# section 1 contains various Zork-related keys and values
foo = bar
baz = quux

spam = eggs

# section 2 contains various Pinky and the Brain-related keys and values.
zort = troz
narf = poit

We could parse this with simpleconfig:

>>> import simpleconfig
>>> simpleconfig.parse('test.conf')
{'section2': {'zort': 'troz', 'narf': 'poit'}, 'section1': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux', 'spam': 'eggs'}}


simpleconfig is released under an ISC license.


simpleconfig was written by Kyle Isom

The source for simpleconfig is online: